About this site

Airport Park Residential Layout :

This website is an independent publication launched in February 2023 by a group of like minded site owners of Airport Park Site interested to improve this layout and realize better value on our investment

We have currently identified close to 50 site owners and formed a group to develop the layout and ensure that we get desirable market value for the sites we own

This property was developed by City Lights / Happy homes and sold around the years 2005-2006 and has since been abandoned, left unattended and without any maintenance of the layout

The objective of this group is the get all the site owners together and develop the layout with the intention of getting the value for the plots that we all desire to get.

Please contact [email protected]  or message us on our WhatsApp number + 91 9535 278 378 for becoming a member of this Group. You may also give a missed call or send an SMS in case you don't use WhatsApp

We shall soon publish a charter for this association which will include various development work, property tax assistance etc.